POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : Something holding up the works... : Something holding up the works... Server Time
4 Nov 2024 21:24:26 EST (-0500)
  Something holding up the works...  
From: LibraryMan
Date: 14 Oct 2002 14:00:57
Message: <web.3dab05c494823da42b597c920@news.povray.org>
Is there some built-in POV feature that would help me diagnose which
elements of a scene are hogging all the render time? I'm trying to
temporarily focus the camera on a small corner of my scene, which as far as
I can tell, is composed only of CSG's that I didn't think were all that
elaborate (after, _I_ coded them, and I don't know jack about macros yet).
But the problem is that the render times seem disproportionately long.

I've exchanged all the area_lights for simple, normal light statements, and
commented out the sky_sphere, but something still is really slowing down
the works.  I would EXPECT a longer render if I was trying to do the whole
scene, but GEEZ!

I suppose this complaint is not too informative without my code, but I don't
1) anyone really wants to mess with THAT ;-)
2) I would care to reveal what an inefficient coder I really am... ;-)

So let's keep it to generalities, shall we?

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